Who We Are

The literal meaning of the word “Krishi” is Agriculture. Krishi Indoor Farm Ltd. has embraced this literal meaning into its overall objectives and practices.
Federally Incorporated business entity, also registered in the Province of Alberta, Krishi Indoor Farm Ltd. was founded in 2020 with the following two Missions:
  • Contribute to food security by producing locally using health and environment conscious practice.
  • Use indoor vertical farming technology or other science and technology based methods of growing plants that will reduce impact on the land and environment, be efficient, sustainable and stand up to the uncertainties around the climate change.
With this mission in mind, Krishi carries the products that can broadly be categorized in the following two:
Category 1: Year-round fresh vegetables, flowers, and variety of plants grown at Krishi’s own facility.
Category 2: Gardening supplies including seeds, seedlings, hydroponic systems, grow lights, grow media, nutrients, tools and accessories, etc.
Krishi is to serve YOUR NEEDS; whether you are a new hobby gardener, whether you are already a serious grower and trying newer techniques such as hydroponic / indoor farming for year-round supply of fresh produce, whether you are not a gardener but do not hesitate to go far and beyond for the right source of healthy fresh produce for your family.
Krishi’s facility includes an indoor grow area as well as an outdoor greenhouse. The total grow space, indoor and outdoor combined, is more than 25,000 sft. From this location, YOU, the customers, can get year-round fresh produce, which are harvested the very same day. In fact, if you have the time, we can harvest and bring the produce to you while you wait! We call this “Garden Fresh”.